Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

In class, we read a sermon from a man named Johnathan Edwards who explained the feelings of God. God was apparently very displeased on how the puratants were acting. Puratants are very strict on their religion. Now the big question is: what is religion?
          "It is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe". There's the definition. My belief on it? I believe that it is very ironic that the first amendment of the Bill of Rights explains the significance of "freedom of religion". There is definitely a limit to the freedom that we're supposed to have. Everyday, there is controversy on one another's religion. There is a rule where you students can't pray in school. Yet, they have freedom of religion. It just doesn't make sense. 
         Then, we have this other situation where church is seperate from state. In that case, that is total irony. How do we have an ammendment about freedom of religion, but its sepa:rate? The country needs to just sit back, calm down, and just think and try to fix all the stupid stuff we do. Thats just my opinion :)

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