Thursday, November 3, 2011

Open Letter to Charles Bukowski.

Dear Mr. Bukowski,

I give you a round of applause for the beautiful, and well thought poem Dinosaur, We. After reading it, I got quite scared, and even worried. My immediate thought? He's a genius! He's a psychic! But then further on, I found out you created this in the 70s. Question, did you take the events that occurred before the poem, or did you just guess using your creative mind? Well I personally loved your poem because it kept me interested. It seemed like every new line, was something that was familiar to me. Such as "as the supermarket bag boy holds a college degree". Its freaky, because now in this economy, even a job that uses not much intelligence or easy as "a bag boy" needs a college degree to achieve it. Also, "as the oily fish spit out their oily prey". You were referring to the oil spill we went through in the past couple years. After even the first 8 lines, I realized; us, humans are throwing our life away. Not just our life, but the world. And the reason, is us. Believe it or not. Our ignorant decisions affect everyone in the world. And nothing can change the word being destroyed but us, the american population in whole. Is that gonna happen? Probably not. But thats just something we'll have to wait and see.

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