Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

In class, we read a sermon from a man named Johnathan Edwards who explained the feelings of God. God was apparently very displeased on how the puratants were acting. Puratants are very strict on their religion. Now the big question is: what is religion?
          "It is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe". There's the definition. My belief on it? I believe that it is very ironic that the first amendment of the Bill of Rights explains the significance of "freedom of religion". There is definitely a limit to the freedom that we're supposed to have. Everyday, there is controversy on one another's religion. There is a rule where you students can't pray in school. Yet, they have freedom of religion. It just doesn't make sense. 
         Then, we have this other situation where church is seperate from state. In that case, that is total irony. How do we have an ammendment about freedom of religion, but its sepa:rate? The country needs to just sit back, calm down, and just think and try to fix all the stupid stuff we do. Thats just my opinion :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Arrival...There Goes My Neighborhood.

          My neighborhood; the best way to describe it? Somewhere, I don't fit in. Everyone expects me to be this loud, "ghetto", girl because I live on 103rd and Lowe. A place that's 5 minutes from Beverly, yet 5 minutes from Roseland. My style, my brains, the way I walk; is just way different from everyone else here.
          In my neighborhood, you see boys with their pants down to their ankles, girls with every color of the rainbow in their hair, where you always see a boy running after a girl because she looks good to them. Somewhere I don't fit in. Where you see people always on their porch just gossiping, and garbage everywhere. Somewhere I don't fit in.
         Before I came to Whitney Young, I did fit in. I thought everything they did was normal. Now, I see a whole different world. Where everyone doesn't wear the same clothes, not always fighting, and respecting each other with manners.
          But for now, there's nothing for me to do about it, because....welp, that's just my neighborhood.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Shaponi Nalls. Would you think that someone with that name would be an outgoing, funny, materialistic, and short tempered girl? Well that's me. Describes me in the best way ever. I'm the youngest child; I have a older brother and sister. I'm the cutest one :) I'm the only one in the house so many people would call me spoiled. But I have to earn everything I get, which I guess is good.
I go to the best high school in Chicago, Whitney Young with my best friend Adinah; where we can scream our favorite songs down the hallway, match outfits, get mad at each other, and the next day come back to each other crying about how much we love each other. I want to go to Howard University. Its been the college of my dreams since I was in the 6th grade, when I went there. It was so beautiful, and felt like home.
I am currently on Poms team, which is so good and has won State two years in row. I believe dancing is supposed to be fun, where other people don't take it as a game. When I dance, I feel like no one can tell me anything, and I'm in the mood.
My favorite thing to do is listen to music; I can do it all day. It's a mood reliever, a way to express my feelings, and to dance to. The artist I can never get tired of is J. Cole. When he raps, I feel an enlightening feeling in my heart. Also, I love shopping. If I had unlimited $, I would spend 75% of it on clothes or something for myself. I guess I can call it selfish, but who cares? :p
The thing I absolutely hate is when people lie. That is my biggest pet peeve, something where I feel like pulling every strand of hair out of my head. When people lie, it shows their true colors. It's helpful however, its the worst thing you can do because you're betraying my trust, and its hard to get it back.
So basically, I am a person easy to get along with, but when you cross me, its hard to get me back, unless we're very close.
Well, that's all you guys get to know...for now :) Hope you guys think I'm cool, because I am. If not, please comment! Well comment either way. Bye!