Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Pin Drop.

         If anyone read my first Introductions blog, you would know that J Cole is my favorite artist. He doesn't talk about what mediocre African American male rappers talk about, ya know; the expensive things they have, sex, drugs, money. He talks about things that relate to most of his audience. Such as the cons of crime,and "the hood", teen pregnancy, adultery, etc. His smoothness and honesty grabs everyone's attention. He grabbed my attention from his second mixtape,The Warm Up which was great. His debut album, Cole World: The Sideline Story sold more than 300,000 albums the first week. Pretty good. This album reflected on his personal past and present life. One of the songs I listen to on his album, almost everyday, is Never Told(video at top). In this song, Cole describes infidelity and what happens because of it. Which is very unique, because not most men admit to the things other men do. A quote he uses is "But the truth is, we all the same, on different teams, but its all a game.The objective tryna score, you gotta wife, you find a whore". Which is very risky because alot of men do this. A lot of men like to say they're different from the others but J Cole was very honest. Another song is Cheer Up (video at bottom). The first thing I noticed was the beat. Its a very catchy great beat because its something little girls would jam to. In this song, he describes how girls confide in boys, but they only want one thing: sex. Girls take their words and end up hurt. J. Cole's telling those girls to "Cheer Up". He gives very good advice young girls such as: "You see you're looking for a man like you need somebody. Get your a** off of Twitter, you could be somebody", which even relates to myself causewe look for happiness in other places such as boys and Twitter. These 2 songs really show J.Coles true colors and how he doesn't care about his image. Great.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winter Poem.

Winter time...
The season of Christmas
Snow is white bliss
Catching snowflakes on my tongue
The taste of snow sweeter than my first kiss.

Who am I kidding?
Why am I lying to you?
My first kiss was way better.
The winter has its cons too.

Yeah, I can go on and on
About how winter is such a beautiful time
But how could that be?
When there's such a lack of sunshine.

Where Did You Go JD?

When JD Salinger wrote books, he didn't write so his books would be published and he would get paid; but his reason was for himself satisfaction. He believed publishing was a "terrible invasion of my privacy".It was peaceful to him when work wasn't published.  Considering the fact that JD Salinger is one of the best authors ever, he was pushed into publishing his books. So,he stopped publishing in 1965 and giving interviews in 1980. He was betrayed by almost everyone, even close relatives; and that turned into him breaking into a public silence. Catcher in the Rye was very popular during the 1950s, but it wasn't a very positive connotation. People believed every adolescent was like that, and if they weren't; they were going to be like it. Also, the issues in the book were very potent during that time. The book is as influential as it was then. I respect JD to the fullest. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Holden Caulfield is a sixteen year old that goes to Pencey Prep. Well, he recently got kicked out because of academic failure. He barely cares; but that's not important. He's the epitome of a non conformist, and can lie for days. He believes everyone is phony, which is very contradictive because he can be described phony as well. He's a very lonely person because he doesn't want to surround himself. At first, I thought he was just a very mad person that was hard to satisfy, but I now believe that he doesn't want to be satisfied. It seems as if he's not happy with the world. And that everyone is phony. But everyone can be classified as phony because if they went around telling everything they felt, this world would be chaotic and dark. It depends on your definition on real and phony. I believe Holden looks for things that most ordinary people wouldn't notice and determines their fate. I commend Holden for his actions just because he's very intelligent and careful for himself. If I believed someone was phony, I wouldn't surround myself by people that I consider not real.

My Red Hunting Hat.

Holden has this red hunting hat in Catcher in the Rye that is very special to him. He wears it at random times and got it in New York for a buck. When you think of a hunting hat, what do you think of? Well, the purpose of a red hunting hat is to stand out from hunters, so they know not to shoot them while hunting for deer. Besides that, deers are color blind and won't be able to see the bright red. Now, a very good question would be is...why does Holden wear this? Is he a hunter? But my view on this is that he's hunting for phony people. And only real people know what the actual purpose is. My hunting hat is something that stand out from people, and only certain people understand it. And that would be my name. My name is something that no one else has. When people meet me, they are so baffled about the meaning of it, and why my parents would name me that? Some "bold" people might ask why am I happy about a name so stupid as mines. Those "bold" and ignorant people obviously don't know me. I believe the people actually understand, know me. Yes I know, something that small determines that. But I believe my name Shaponi describes me. Which are both unique. The people who understand it without me telling them actually know me. And thats only me and my lovely parents.