Saturday, October 22, 2011

Father and Son Relationship.

So my class is reading this book called the Road, about a father and a son. They basically are relying on each other to survive. The son knows way more than an average young boy would know, about the world. The father is doing everything he has to do, such as lying. But it seems like in these modern times especially in my culture, that father and son relationships have been decreasing drastically. The son seems like he's doing okay, although the conditions aren't okay. Which brings me to the question are father and son relationships that important? In some situations, you can say yes because of all the crime that is happening in the world. It comes from the young people. A lot of those young people, research based, have no father influence on them. Then you can look at someone that doesn't have a father, and might can be doing well. I actually know boys in that case. I believe it depends on just how the son has been raised. Without father guidance, or not.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

John Proctor; Hero or Stooge?

        Such a title that is, besides the fact that I believe he could be both. In a way, John Proctor's character was so hypocritical. He does many foolish things like a stooge to the Puratants, such as commit adultery and have an affair with Abigail. However, he doesn't care, tries to fix it and tries to keep it a secret. I believe he does it in sake of his morals such as a hero. As I see it, if the community would find that out, it would be complete disastrous. Maybe he knows this will happen also, and tries to dodge that by denying the affair. Since Abigail is so much in love with John, that she will do anything to get John. Such as commit witchcraft on Goody Proctor. This tells me that she would also tell the community about their affair if she really wanted to. In this case, I believe John Proctor is a stooge for just leaving Abigail. Instead maybe he should have laid it on her softly and not so harsh. I mean, you cant just lead someone on, and leave them hanging? Its not just fair. So if someone were to make me vote if John Proctor is a her or stooge, I would simply mark both.