Sunday, February 26, 2012

Vietnam War Blog.

The United States ultimately entered the Vietnam War because they wanted to stop communism in Southeast Asia. United states believed communism was a threat to their democracy. It eliminated private property. They believed it was very evil. Our leaders was afraid that the Communist forces would gain control of Vietnam. Then all the nations would fall into communism, which can be called the Domino Theory. We, America, put ourselves in situation that was unneccessary because that was not our business. When we were in an Anti War Moment that only caused opposition to the Vietnam War.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Langston Hughes Blog.

When I read "Let America be American Again" by Langston Hughes, I understood that he believed that America has changed in such a negative way. He discusses the oppressed and how he's looking for somewhere to be free. When he says "America was never America to me", it suggests to me that he has never had a good life, or example of this "American Dream". Ya know the American Dream? Could be defined as pursuit of happiness, economic security, and opportunity for success. He's basically saying he never had this because of the negative things happening to him. "I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart, I am the Negro bearing slavery's scars. I am the red man driven from the land, I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek--" All of these examples show problems and contrast with the definition of the American Dream. He wants America to be like how he thought it should be.